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2018-04-14 23:39:08

[专业笔记 | Academic] , , ,


EECS2011 Fundamentals of Data Structures

数据结构课程,其实用Java而不是用C / PASCAL来讲让我有点不太适应。

This content is for YorkU EECS 2011. As usual, I will post some "interesting" course note. This course is not that difficult. And our prof's ppt is so nice. Try not to miss any lecture and you will learn a lot from him. My professor is Andy Mirzaian.



网上现在大部分的教程(包括苹果官方的CloudKit Quick Start)讲述的都是一种简易的方法(convience methods),我这里将要讲述的是如何有效使用队列进行数据库操作,使得操作更加有效规范可控。


EECS2031 Software Tools

2016-09-12 14:44:06

[专业笔记 | Academic] , , ,

This course introduces very very fundamental C/shell programming skills on linux.

We are using C89 standard in this  EECS 2031 course. That means you cannot declare the iterator variable in a for loop. And you should be very careful when you are trying to copy any C code from Google or Stack Overflow. Because those code fragments might be written in C with C99 standard or Cpp. Professor is very nice but TAs are not that efficient. We have to wait a long time for the grading.

EECS2030 Advanced Object Oriented Programming

2016-06-11 23:24:31

[专业笔记 | Academic] , ,


This content is for YorkU EECS 2030. I took this course in summer 2016. My professor Navid Mohaghegh is a very nice professor. I do strongly recommend his course.



有时候我们需要一些深度定制的并且多次多次复用的UI控件,为了模块化程序,在iOS8 及以后,我们可以将常用的定制UI控件放到自己的Kit里面,在不同的项目中重复使用。



CloudKit 开发手记——读写查询





2015-11-28 18:21:35

[开发运维 | Dev Ops] ,





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