目录 | Table of Contents
Lecture 1
EECS 1022 Prof Roumani - York Univeristy
- Separation of Concerns
- Industrial-Strength Tools
- IoT Internet of Things
ELOs 课程评价方式
- 基本的程序设计
- UI和Java的连接
- 建造App使用现有API
- 使用简单的OOP,Observing S/E 标准
- 集合、文件、正则表达式
疑问:Moodle -> Form
- XML采用Pascal的方式定义 ThisIsTheVariable
- Java 在变量方面使用OC相同的Camel方式定义 thisIsTheVariable
- 但是Java在Class名称方面喜欢使用Pascal方式命名Class Name: PASCAL
Method Name: Camel
Block: {}在同一列
- Attributes函数中的参数
- Keywords关键字
- Identifiers变量的名称
- Literals可用于变量的值,硬编码的值
- manifests——权限相关
- java——layout还有代码
本课程适用Android Studio作为编程的工具
程序的结构Component Tree—— 顶端是Linear Layout
值可以refer到strings.xml ,使用Resources连接
Android的MVC 设计思路:
- Module: POJO. Plain Old Java Object. Java Object (Class)
- View: XML.
- Control: Java. but Activity
- Module: POJO
- View: JSP,ASP
- Control: Servlet
Java final keyword
- 类似于Swift 的 let关键字
- Final means cannot re-assign value to any variable
- Static means only one copy of reference can be in hole in the class of all methods.
Doing things fast
Stand alone obj 可以方便调试,使用对单个Java文件采用Run as main(右键菜单),定义一个main function.
public static void main(String[] args){ }
Lecture 2
import some class
import java.lang.System;
- package: java
- subpackage: lang
- class: System
Compile: Syntax Errors
Run: Runtime Errors
Compute Wrong Result: Logic Errors
Week 1 Review
双重虚拟机相当的慢,类似OC Delegate的方法能够自动填充delegate的方法。
Lecture 3
Attributes (Global variables)
For Method
- name: Compute
- params: int, double
- Above all are Signature
Overloaded, method的name是相同的
int +- 2G 4byte
long +- 2E 8byte
float +- 10^38 Significant Digits = 7
double +- 10^308 Significant Digits = 15
Accuracy is Significant Digits.
Boolean Type
- g = x ^ y 为XOR 运算
- 左移( << )、右移( >> ) 、无符号右移( >>> ) 、位与( & ) 、位或( | )、位非( ~ )、位异或( ^ ),除了位非( ~ )是一元操作符外,其它的都是二元操作符。
- Parentheses ()
- Bracket []
- Braces {}
- ()
- */%
- +-
double t = 2 / 5 - 1.0; //Answer is -1.0 int sum = 45; int count = 10; double average = (double) sum / count; //force cast double average = sum / count; //DO NOT DO THAT
printf() print something with formating
- %d decimal
- %f
Lecture 4
Unicode 64K codes
- A 65
- ZERO 48
- space 32
- a 97
Relational Operators
- Requirements
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing
- Deployment
Project Satellite Orbital Period
- Requirement Analysis
- Significant Digits
- The format of output
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing
- Deployment
Week 2 Review
在自己定义的Class中添加toString() 可以在调试的情况下,让程序自动标记Object的名称
public class ComputeEngine { public String toString() { return "The Compute Engine!"; } }
Lecture 5
public static final double G = 6.67408e-11; public static final double M = 5.972e24; public static final double R = 6371e3;
Math Library
Math.pow(number, 0.5); Math.sqrt(number);
Lecture 6
Typically, class don't have main() method except the UI class.
String.format("%.1f", sec);
- state
- object
Lecture 7
new 代表创建一个object,new 关键字 copy 一个class的定义将其布置到object里面。
Heap https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure)
Stack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_(abstract_data_type)
- Object reference (数指向object的指针)
- identical Object (内容一样)
- Objects in memory (数 new 关键字)
boolean b5 = sat2.equals(sat5); System.out.printf("===> %b \n", b5);
public boolean equals(Object x){ this.altitude == ((Satellite) x).altitude; }
同样的Default的函数还有 toString()
如果需要可以override 这个 toString(),当然不需要以下关键字
如果定义为static,对象将会依赖于 Class 而不是Object
public static int testtest = 1000;
Lecture 8
package jba.roumani.sandbox1; public class cStaticTest{ private static int idnumber = 0; public cStaticTest(){ idnumber ++; } public void showIDNumber(){ System.out.printf("id==>%d \n", idnumber); } public static void main(String[] args) { cStaticTest t1 = new cStaticTest(); t1.showIDNumber(); //输出1 cStaticTest t2 = new cStaticTest(); cStaticTest t3 = new cStaticTest(); cStaticTest t4 = new cStaticTest(); t3.showIDNumber(); //输出4 t2.showIDNumber(); //输出4 } }
package jba.roumani.sandbox1; public class cStaticTest{ //声明区域 private static int lastIDNumber = 0; private int idnumber = lastIDNumber + 1; //初始化 public cStaticTest(){ lastIDNumber ++; System.out.printf("obj Created==>(%d,%d) \n", idnumber, lastIDNumber); } public void showIDNumber(){ System.out.printf("id==>%d \n", idnumber); } public static void main(String[] args) { cStaticTest t1 = new cStaticTest(); t1.showIDNumber(); cStaticTest t2 = new cStaticTest(); cStaticTest t3 = new cStaticTest(); cStaticTest t4 = new cStaticTest(); t3.showIDNumber(); t2.showIDNumber(); } }
关于 java.util.Date
epoch Jan 1, 1970 12:00 AM GMT
Lab test 1
Period: one hour
Question will be asked to change those lab works.
Lecture 9
Control Structures.
- sequence 顺序结构
- selection 选择结构
- iteration 循环结构
if (TrueOrFalse) { //CODE } for (beforeTheLoop; stayBooleanCheckBeforeLoop; endOfEachLoop){ //CODE }
Lecture 10
<EditText android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:inputType="number" android:ems="10" android:id="@+id/editText" android:layout_below="@+id/textView" android:layout_alignParentRight="true" android:numeric="decimal" android:layout_alignParentEnd="true" />
菜单中 Code->Reformat Code...可以整理代码
double income = 819723287.22; System.out.printf("%,15.2f", income);
Lecture 11
@Override public void onClick(View v) { if (v.getId() == R.id.tableBtn){ String in1 = ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.input1)).getText().toString(); String in2 = ((EditText) findViewById(R.id.input2)).getText().toString(); double principle = Double.parseDouble(in1);//转为Double型 int row = Integer.parseInt(in1);//转为Integer型 // 1. get the interest rate // 2. Create a Morgage instance // 3. get the monthly payment // 4. round the monthly payment to dollars and cents (use String.format) // 5. find the output1 text viee and set its text to the rounded payment } }
Use of scrollView
scrollView 可以内含 LinearLayout 这样可以确保组内元素的有序性
如果要求中含有 take as precondition 可以不用验证数据
boolean prime = true; for (int i = 2; i < n && prime; i ++) { if (n % i == 0) { prime = false; } }
Lecture 12
String s = "York EECS"; //是语法糖,并且是Immutable //实际,会转化为: String s = new String("York EECS"); //语法糖 String a = "HELLO"; String b = "WORLD"; String m = a + b; //实际上是使用了concat方法 String s = "York"; s.toUpperCase(); System.out.print(s); //输出 York s = s.toUpperCase(); System.out.print(s); //输出 YORK
do documentation
Java 和 C系列语言一样,String应该用equal函数进行比较。
Test1 Review
@Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { System.out.println("onSaveInstanceState called"); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); TextView convertedText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.convertedText); EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.inputText); outState.putSerializable("converted", convertedText.getText().toString()); outState.putSerializable("original", editText.getText().toString()); } @Override protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { System.out.println("onRestoreInstanceState called"); super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); TextView convertedText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.convertedText); EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.inputText); convertedText.setText((String) savedInstanceState.getSerializable("converted")); editText.setText((String) savedInstanceState.getSerializable("original")); }
Lecture 13
- Math.pow(底,指数)
- 注意指数可能会被取整
- Math.sqrt()
- Math.cbrt()
Formatted Output 的几个例子
public static void main(String[] args) { char temp = 'A'; System.out.printf("%c-%d", temp, (int) temp); //输出: A-65 需要强制转换temp,否则报错 int zNumber = 2222223; System.out.printf("%d%n",zNumber); //输出:2222223 System.out.printf("%010d%n", zNumber); //输出:0002222223 System.out.printf("%10d%n", zNumber); //输出:___2222223 System.out.printf("%,10d%n", zNumber); //输出:_ 2,222,223 double dNumber = 1123.45678; System.out.printf("%f%n", dNumber); //输出:1123.456780 System.out.printf("%010.2f%n", dNumber);//输出:0001123.46 System.out.printf("%10.2f%n", dNumber); //输出:___1123.46 System.out.printf("%,10.2f%n", dNumber);//输出:__1,123.46 }
- String.substring(开始位置,结束位置) 包含开始位置,结束位置将不包含
- String.charAt(位置)
- String.length() 获取字符串长度
- + coercion
- charNumber + "0" = Char
- parse
- Integer.parseInt(字符串)
- Double.parseDouble(字符串)
- char minus '0'
- toLowerCase()
- toUpperCase()
- trim()
- equals()
- compareTo()
- 比较两个字符串的的字符大小
- 主要看正负,用于英文字符串的排序
- 返回数字
- empty的字符串还是 null的字符串
- 如果null:s.length() 将会给出错误
- indexOf(需要查找的字符)
- indexOf() with offset
- replaceAll()
Lecture 14
加拿大邮编 ([A-VXYa-vxy][0-9][A-Za-z] *[0-9][A-Za-z][0-9])
public String analyze(String str){ Pattern compiledPattern = Pattern.compile(this.regex); Matcher patternMatches = compiledPattern.matcher(str); String answer = ""; while (patternMatches.find()) { //找到了 for (int i = 0; i <= patternMatches.groupCount(); i++) { answer += String.format("%s, at %d, %d\n", patternMatches.group(i),//返回选中的字符串,从1开始,零将返回整个字符串 patternMatches.start(i), patternMatches.end(i) ); } } return answer; }
Lecture 15
回去验证一下 pattern.find() 这是一个指针,没有利用group()的方法,两个应该是独立的,不应该相互使用
- Regex
- Matches:
- 包含find()
- Groups:
- 包含group() groupCount()
- 将返回正则表达式中括号匹配的内容
- group(0) 将返回find() 的内容
- group(N) N >=1 将安顺序返回正则表达式中括号的内容
- Matches:
字符串比较可以使用 x.equals(y) 或者 x.equalsIgnoreCase(y)
public static void main(String[] args) { String sentence = "she Asell Bseashells Con Dthe EseashoreF sunG shine H."; String[] tokens = sentence.split("s[a-z]* "); for (int i = 0; i<tokens.length; i++){ System.out.println(i+")"+tokens[i]); } //输出: //0) //1)A //2)B //3)Con Dthe EseashoreF sunG //4)H. }
Lecture 16
Collections Framework
Aggregation (集合) 将多个Object存储到一个object中
- Array 是 Static Allocation 并且没有API
- 一些集合的(Aggregation)数据结构有 Interfaces例如 List<E>, Set<E>, Map <K,V>
- List : 允许重复,有序
- ArrayList 更类似Array
- LinkedList 更便于插入,使用指针存储
- Set : No duplicates, No order,使用.equals 比较Object(待查)
- HashSet 是无序的
- TreeSet 是有序的(sorted)使用.compareTo() 来排序
- Map : Key and Value
- HashMap 是无序的
- TreeMap 是有序的(sorted)使用.compareTo() 来排序
API 关于这些Aggregation的APIs
- size()
- clear()
- iterator()
Lecture 17
注意使用 Code -> Code Generate 来创建默认的函数,例如:
- constractor
- Getter / Setter
- toString()
- equals()
- compareTo()
Lecture 18
Lecture 19
Pick up class test #1 in WSC(lab) next week
- Basic
- size()
- clear()
- iterator() reach each elements in the collection
- Set
- add(E)
- remove(E)
- contains(E)
- List
- add(int, E) 从零开始,到字符串长度,如果int是[0,length]以外的值就出错
- remove(int) 从零开始,如果移除失败则抛出错误
- get(int) 从零开始,如果获取失败则抛出错误
- contains(E)
- Map
- put(K, V) 相同Key 会覆盖,后面的值覆盖前面
- get(K) 获取Key对应的值
- keySet() 获取一个由Map键值为类型的Set
- containsKey(K) 检查是否有键
- containsValue(V) 检查是否有值
- remove(K) 填入键名,如果不存在不回抛出错误
- Other API (import java.util.Collections;)
- f(type item:collection)()
- Collections.sort(List) Only Accept List
- Collections 更多函数
Set 无法使用index,因此无法进行随机访问
Lecture 20
Exception Handling
- Pre Condition (相当于没有防御)
- Defensive(使用if,可预见的例外)
- Exception(不可见例外)
try{ //内容 }catch(Exception e){ result = -1.0; System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); }
Lecture 21
public static enum SortType {COUNTRY, CAPITAL, POP};